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Storyline 360 Tutorials change slide size

Updated: Jul 27, 2022

In today’s storyline tutorial, we are going to learn how to define slide size. The slide size defaults to 720 pixels wide by 540 pixels high when you start a new Storyline 360 project, but you can adjust it to any size you want. Ensure to define the slide size before adding any material.

There are multiple ways to choose the slide size panel. The easiest one is to select the dimensions link in the lower-left corner.

Another option to access the slide size panel is through the Design tab on the ribbon.

Choose 4:3 for a full screen and 16:9 for a widescreen. You can also use the Custom feature to enter the width and height in pixels up to a maximum of 2,047 x 2,047. Once selected, check the Lock aspect ratio box to maintain the current proportions for objects that have locked aspect ratios.

Click Set As Default Size to make the selected dimensions the default slide size for future projects. Then click OK.


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Philips Learning is one of the leading educators of Articulate Storyline 360 How-To video tutorial (world's best elearning platform).
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